5 Pillars of Islam

  • Writter: Syed Jihadul Islam
  • Category: Islam
  • Published On: Friday, January 22, 2021
  • Total Comments: 0
  • Total View: 4032


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Shahada is the basic statement of the Islamic faith: anyone who cannot recite this wholeheartedly is not a Muslim. The Shahada is “There no god but Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah”

When a Muslim recites this, he proclaims that:

·  Allah is the only God, and that Muhammad (pbuh) is his prophet

·  They personally accept this as true

·  They will obey all the commitments of Islam in their life

The Shahada is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam. Reciting this statement, one becomes a Muslim. A Muslim is expected to recite this statement out loud, with total sincerity, fully understanding what it means.

Tarbiyah Institute