How Safe is YouTube for Muslim Children?

  • Writter: HM Ashrafuzzaman
  • Category: Islam
  • Published On: Saturday, January 23, 2021
  • Total Comments: 0
  • Total View: 2145

Sky’s the limit for YouTube. It is a great place to find a video about absolutely anything and everything. From a cat playing piano to that amazing advert you saw recently, just type in what you’re looking for and choose from the hundreds of results you get!

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Sky’s the limit for YouTube. It is a great place to find a video about absolutely anything and everything. From a cat playing the piano to that amazing advert you saw recently, just type in what you’re looking for and choose from the hundreds of results you get!

Although YouTube gives anyone the freedom to create and upload content; there is very little control. It is a free space for anyone, of any age with a variety of content to watch. From hateful videos to adult ones, they are all online and very easy to find (N.B. YouTube does have some restrictions in place on their content but they are very few). Yet we give our children, complete access to this world of diverse content. Some may say that they “Put all of the child protection controls on” but are these controls always reliable? Are you willing to take the risk?

Perhaps you know your children well. You may even have the confidence that they would never search for those things or even use such a platform. But what if those videos come to them through adverts or recommendationsOne accidental touch and they may see things that they should never see!

With YouTube being one of the most popular online destinations for children to watch content, with around three-quarters (73%) of those aged 5-15 using the video site, there’s no wonder the danger is ahead of them! It is also a hit with pre-schoolers with 37% regularly watching. (Ofcom, 2016)

So does that worry you as a parent? Are you looking for a solution?

Ali and Huda are here to help!

Ali Huda is a great new app similar to Netflix for the special Muslim child in your life. Whether they are a son, daughter, niece, nephew, cousin, or even just a friend, Ali Huda gives them great shows to watch anytime and gives you peace of mind all the time!

No inappropriate adverts!

No inappropriate videos!

Just fun, educational shows for the Muslim children in your life!

Tarbiyah Institute