5 Pillars of Islam

  • Writter: Syed Jihadul Islam
  • Category: Islam
  • Published On: Friday, January 22, 2021
  • Total Comments: 0
  • Total View: 3187


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Zakat means purifying. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam. It requires Muslims to give 2.5% of their qualifying wealth each year to help Muslims who need it across a range of categories. According to Islamic jurisprudence, the collected amount should be paid to the poor and the needy, Zakat collectors, recent converts to Islam, those to be freed from slavery, those in debt, in the cause of Allah and to benefit the stranded traveler.

Zakat is both a spiritual duty and a vital part of the Islamic social welfare system. It is not just a fundamental pillar of Islam; it is also a potential way of easing the suffering of millions of people through a sustained charitable effort. It’s a unique form of religious social welfare which benefits the whole community.

Tarbiyah Institute